Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My updated Stats

Today was my big "9 month check-up", it was pretty much the same old thing. Mom and Dad strip me down naked, they set me on a scale, there's a big commotion about something and ounces....blah, blah, blah. You know the drill.
The differences this time were:
1) I was able to converse with the nurse and doctor. They were especially riveted by my new Native American chanting.
2) I only required one "vaccination," aka: horrible, painful, it-hurts-so-bad-I-can't-even-muster-a-cry-for-several-seconds stab in the leg.
3) I received a gift at the end of our meeting, which so flabbergasted me that I ceased my pained cries after my vaccination. Here is a photo of said gift:

A beautiful, red whale.

Which fits perfectly in my mouth.

To add to the joy of this visit, I am now 29.5 inches long which is taller than 95 percent of other kids my age, but I've slimmed down to a sleek and slender 19 lbs and 11 oz. The doctor says this is due to my new, intense daily workouts. Mommy says she plans to supplement my diet with fatty foods to make up for the lost calories so I don't lose my thunder thighs.

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Shantell Wyatt said...

You know I love your 'In your face' whale picture Cooper! Sorry those mean doctors hurt you, I tried to tell your mommy not to take you, but she wouldn't listen. She just mumbled something about it being for your own good. What do moms know anyways? Ask Abby, she'll tell you the truth, she knows everything!

Anonymous said...

Okay Megan, let me lay this out for you....... Todd and I are sitting here reading Cooper's blog, and the two of us have decided hands down you need to write children's books.... SERIOUSLY, we are rolling. The way you word things is to a tee perfect!! It's exactly what we all think our kids our thinking, you just lay i out there.. Cooper, you have a fantastic mommy!!!!!