Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Week of Change

I've learned in my long 9 months of life that life and the world is constantly changing. While this subject is one I ruminate over often, I have decided not to bore you with my many thoughts on our existence here on earth and just advise you how my week has been.
The following is my list of things that have changed since Saturday:

1. After attending church for the first time this Easter, I've discovered a newfound desire to make a change towards being closer to God and being more spiritual. Samuel and I discussed Resurrection Sunday in great detail:

I was so moved, that I felt compelled to praise Jesus right then and there!

2. My humongous top tooth is finally poking through. Mom keeps saying how I'm changing into a big boy and this is just further proof of that. I still refuse to let her get any sort of photographic evidence of it. But, she was able to sneakily catch a shot of my two bottom teeth that have been coming in for months, you have to look really hard:

3. Mom has stopped panicking (as much) about me choking on finger foods and allowed me to eat some well-cooked pasta. Its not that good, but she just leaves it there on the highchair tray for me to do whatever I please with it. Talk about fun! I've noticed that Shiner seems to want to be around me more because of this new food, he must be terribly impressed with my pincer grasp and chewing skills.

4. Daddy moved my crib mattress all the way to the bottom this weekend! This is because I am now able to fully pull myself up to standing and Mom (she's a little neurotic) was afraid I'd fall out with it being as high up as it used to be. When I stand while holding onto the couch, she sits behind me and I find great humor in just letting go suddenly and falling backwards into her arms. She keeps saying something about how she might not always be there to catch me, but I know she will be. She's my Mom, thats her job.

5. The scenery at my stand-in Mommy's house has changed. Shantell has a new aquarium for me to see all sorts of fish...and eventually frogs (Mom is SO excited about the frogs). Daddy and Josh put the stand together, I think the biggest change I've witnessed this week is seeing two men actually read instructions. I got the impression that this isn't a normal occurence, I guess times really are a' changing!

Here's Caleb and I waiting to see the completed product.

6. My favorite change of this week was that Caleb came to MY house instead of me going to his. It wasn't for very long, but I just love to watch him and learn from him and Shiner loves to lick him. I missed Abby, but she was away learning how to ride her bike without training wheels!

What a week! Its always something new with me...I can't wait to see what next week brings.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Degas! Degas!

I've been trying to expand my vocabulary the past few weeks. I figure it will help me to be more literate once Mom and Dad start trying to push these so-called "books," on me.

The last few days I've been saying "degas, degas!" (pronounced "deh-gah") in succession at least twice, sometimes more. I say it at random times just to throw Mom off and keep myself entertained since I get bored easily these days. Last night I said it while we were playing with my toys, while I was eating squash, when we were getting ready to go to bed, and again when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Mommy even called Grandma and they spent a really long time trying to figure out what it was. It was comical to hear them going through different sayings and words trying to figure out what I am trying to say. They think maybe its "doggy," since I love Shiner so much, or maybe its "good job," and there were a few other possibilities.

I think I'll continue this charade for a little longer for the entertainment factor. Its quite amusing to see Mommy want to figure something out so badly.

Little does she know that what I'm actually referring to is the French Impressionist painter Edgar Degas! In my free time, I have enjoyed studying art history and have a newfound interest in Degas' works (two of my favorites are pictured below). Now if only Mommy were as intellectual and cultured as me, she'd have figured this out already.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm getting a new tooth, but I'll never let anyone see it!

Note: This is not my first, but this one hurts the worst so far! Baby Orajel take me away!

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Baby Ryeland!

Sorry guys, I am way behind on my blogging. As I've mentioned before, I'm a very busy baby...but I couldn't let this one go. Two of Mommy and Daddy's best friends, Tara and Brody, had a a baby on February 27th (yes, he's already almost a month old). He's so cute and teeny tiny and everyone keeps saying that we'll be best friends.

I tried to smell his head to make sure he was real-he didn't do much but sleep, even while we were talking loudly. They say I used to be that small, but I have trouble believing that. Either way, he smelled pretty good.

After ascertaining that he is, in fact, a real baby- I gave him a kiss because he really is cute and I couldn't help myself.

This is me trying to get his attention so we could play. We're supposed to be best friends, right? He wouldn't wake up and the adults wouldn't allow me to shake him or hit his face to rouse him. This kid must have really had a rough day to be this tired.

This is Mommy holding Ryeland and Ryeland's Mommy holding me. I don't know why they want to switch it up like that.

Here's Dad and Uncle Egg holding the correct babies. Daddy was trying to act like I was a newborn like Ryeland, but I have no patience for that sort of thing. This sure is a cute picture of him.

More recently, Here's one of my first walks with Ryeland!

I got kind of sad that we didn't get to talk much, because he was really tired again, but I am so glad he's finally here.

Welcome baby Ryeland! I love you and can't wait to grow up together!

My whirlwind weekend

So Mom decided to let the reigns loose a little and let me start my own blog. Its about time! I mean seriously, I'm almost 9 months old already-I know other babies who have had their own blogs since they were born! I'm serious. I'm not sure why she's been trying to oppress my creative side, but I've finally broken free!

Since I am so busy lately, you'll have to excuse me for being so behind on telling you about last weekend (Mar. 7-9). It was such a good weekend. Mommy surprised me by bringing my cousin Josh, who is WAY older than me (he's 8!), home with her. I hadn't really had the chance to hang out with him alone before, so I never knew how much fun this guy is!

We started our own band, but we're having some creative differences deciding on the name...

This is my younger cousin Chandler. Since I am so much older than him (by 4 weeks), I like to exercise my authority and let him know who's boss. I think he's learned to respect his elders, as you can see from the last photo.

Last but not least, this is my oldest cousin Cadence. He's 10! That means he's practically an adult! He came over to my house a few weeks ago too and was so nice to me. I can't wait for him to teach me big boy things when I start to understand what he's saying.

After spending so much time with family, we decided to go to one of Mommy's best friend's, Angie's,
birthday celebration at P.F. Changs. She's the one with the squinty eyes in this picture, Mommy kept taking the picture over and over again but finally gave up since Angie couldn't keep her eyes open. Apparently this is an issue for her.

I had so much fun and Mommy kept telling me how proud of me she was for sitting through dinner like that. She says I'm a "social butterfly," whatever that means...sounds a little too girly to me. No matter what you call me, I had a really good time and got to see some of Mommy's favorite friends-like Mattsweatosaurus Rex (aka Mattopatamus).

To make the day even better, Kirsten and her Mommy and Daddy showed up to eat there too! She was so surprised to see me, and I was so glad to see her! Stay tuned for my story about our playdate together!

P.S. Please excuse my messy posting, I'm in a hurry, there's fun to be had elsewhere!