Friday, July 11, 2008

The Mystery of visiting Mitch-again

If you've been keeping up with my blog, you're aware that I was due to take a plain trip (see previous post ). As it turns out, this trip was anything but plain. It started out with a ride in a gargantuan vehicle that was able to drive in the sky! Here I am before we left, staring out at the one which we rode in first.

The family made a big ordeal of the ride and kept staring at me when we were flying and asking if I was okay or if my ears hurt, and telling me in their cheeriest tones that I was such a trooper. Mom brought so much stuff for me, there were new snacks and tons of new toys I had never seen before! I got to play with them and eat snacks on this versatile fold-down tray which also served as a fun board for me to smack incessantly and wipe away all of its contents for Mom to lean down and pick up before they slid under the seats. She thought it was so fun! Gotta keep her entertained too.

Soon after arriving at my great-grandparents house, Cindy and Alyssa showed up from Illinois. Talk about fun people. Alyssa was my buddy on this trip, she and I got along so well, I just love her..and she's one of the first people I've met who seemed to really enjoy my attempt to claw their eyes out. What a sweetie! We got to spend a lovely evening outside (YES! These people had weather so nice that you could eat an entire meal out there without sweating!) having dinner and catching up with the family. My Northern family is really cool. No pun intended.

When we got to our hotel room, there was this really cute kid there waiting for me! My family is so sweet to plan to have someone there to keep me company. We had so much fun giving eachother high-fives and laughing hysterically. Too bad he wouldn't leave the bathroom area, it would have been nice to have him around the entire trip.

The next day, we went to a place Henry Ford founded called Greenfield Village. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked, but everyone else seemed to have fun. When we first arrived, this fellow with a banjo tried to sing itsy bitsy spider to me but I wasn't interested. The combination of my cold and the numbing effects of a full dose of Motrin left me lethargic. I stared blankly at him with no expression, but he just didn't take the hint. Luckily, Daddy was thoroughly entertained and enjoys being serenaded with children's songs.

Greenfield Village was so neat, there were houses and buildings from famous people all set up in a mock village. Henry Ford had them moved there so people could enjoy the history in them.

Can you find my Grandma in the following picture? We got to visit the Wright brothers bike shop and their house, too!
This is a quote from Orville Wright which I hope Mom will read and try to emulate in our home, so that I can experiment and create concoctions, and have fun with things...and possibly build my own airplane someday. This doesn't seem likely seeing as she pretty much stops breathing when Daddy even tries to re-create a fake airplane with me.

This was the Wright bros. highchair, it really makes me appreciate modern technology and the progress thats been made in the baby gear industry. Can you imagine how many poor babies must have had splinters in their behinds? And look, there's not even a safety strap to hold rambunctious children in place. The CPSC must not have even existed in those days. I'm so thankful for my plastic, adjustable height, moveable highchair with a 3-point safety belt. Thank you to all of the historical babies who endured so many hardships and helped make my highchair and other modern baby items what they are today!

This is me in a re-creation of an english cottage. Mommy thought I looked so funny in this old cottage in this modern stroller. She and Daddy talked to eachother in British accents the entire time we were inside. They're so easily amused. I kept myself entertained by throwing my sippy cup from my stroller onto the floor.

The next day , the group of us went to a place where you can throw extremely heavy balls on the floor to knock big white things over! It was exhilarating to watch! There was a lot of talk about "strikes," luckily Mommy is not one for conflict of any sort so she was never included in any of this striking discussion. Mom did so good playing this game, she got the ball in the little ditches nearly every try! Go MOM!!
Later, Great-Grandpa took all of us out to eat for Mommy's bday at a great restaurant that served flaming cheese! Seriously, they poured what I assume was gasoline on it and set it on fire! Unfortunately, the enjoyable food police (Mom) decided this was unfit for a baby (myself) to eat. Here's the great G'parents, Cindy, and myself at dinner. I am such a barrel of fun, I had the whole table in stitches. This dinner meant a lot to Mommy. :)

Later, we spent family time and everyone was so nice and got Mommy presents and got to eat cake. No fair. This is me and my beautiful Great Grandma, we are so lucky to have these genes in our pool. She took such great care of us and always made sure we were fed, comfortable, and happy. Mom and Grandma have a lot to live up to!
This is Great G'pa and Uncle Doug. They were so much fun and Great G'pa let me get into all of his stuff! He's such a smart guy and helped to ensure my college money was going to the right place. I'm destined for greatness if my Great G'parents brains and beauty are any indicator.
This is four generations and four drastically different haircolors.
I was so sad to leave after such a wonderful, memorable trip spent with this family that I love! We'll have to return again soon because I never even got to meet Mitch...or heard any mention of him.
P.S. Here is a terribly sad picture of Shiner, obviously in the throes of a deep depression, while we were gone. Thankfully, Mom had the best dog-sitter in the world take care of him.


Unknown said...

Ahahah OK Mr. Coopy Coop, It took your Ding-ee Aunt Angie about 10 minutes to figure out what "Mitch-again" meant, so don't feel bad. I am so glad you had a Terrific time in Michigan and visiting your family. And Thanks for the kudos on the best dog-sitter in the world. I did my best to let Shiner know you were missing him just as badly.

Shantell Wyatt said...

Wow Coop, what an adventurous trip you had! Thanks for sharing it with all your friends : )