So Mom decided to let the reigns loose a little and let me start my own blog. Its about time! I mean seriously, I'm almost 9 months old already-I know other babies who have had their own blogs since they were born! I'm serious. I'm not sure why she's been trying to oppress my creative side, but I've finally broken free!
Since I am so busy lately, you'll have to excuse me for being so behind on telling you about last weekend (Mar. 7-9). It was such a good weekend. Mommy surprised me by bringing my cousin Josh, who is WAY older than me (he's 8!), home with her. I hadn't really had the chance to hang out with him alone before, so I never knew how much fun this guy is!
We started our own band, but we're having some creative differences deciding on the name...
This is my younger cousin Chandler. Since I am so much older than him (by 4 weeks), I like to exercise my authority and let him know who's boss. I think he's learned to respect his elders, as you can see from the last photo.
Last but not least, this is my oldest cousin Cadence. He's 10! That means he's practically an adult! He came over to my house a few weeks ago too and was so nice to me. I can't wait for him to teach me big boy things when I start to understand what he's saying.
After spending so much time with family,
birthday celebration at P.F. Changs. She's the one with the squinty eyes in this picture, Mommy kept taking the picture over and over again but finally gave up since Angie couldn't keep her eyes open. Apparently this is an issue for her.
I had so much fun and Mommy kept telling me how proud of me she was for sitting through dinner like that. She says I'm a "social butterfly," whatever that means...sounds a little too girly to me. No matter what you call me, I had a really good time and got to see some of Mommy's favorite friends-like Mattsweatosaurus Rex (aka Mattopatamus).
To make the day even better, Kirsten and her Mommy and Daddy showed up to eat there too! She was so surprised to see me, and I was so glad to see her! Stay tuned for my story about our playdate together!
P.S. Please excuse my messy posting, I'm in a hurry, there's fun to be had elsewhere!
Cooper, you're getting so big! Me and Samuel and Levi need to visit! I'm glad you jumped on the blog bandwagon. Samuel wanted to let you know that he'll keep up with your blog since you keep up with his.
well cooper i see that you are finally blogging, a late bloomer is just fine with me. your picture is on my space-and people say that guy is sure handsome.and when i bring up yahoo mail, your picture is my secure pass.been studying baby signing-it seems that babys that sign b4 talking really enjoy communicating with others-especially their Hulan
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