Now, the world is my oyster....whatever that doesn't really make sense but it sounds fitting. I guess I'm searching for the pearl, even though I really have no interest in pearls but its figurative. I'm searching for EVERYTHING! Sometimes my brain can't even keep up with all of the knowledge I am receiving when my little finger points to every object within my view and I ask with utmost curiosity: "Was Dat?" "Was Dat?" "Was Dat?"....and so on, you catch my drift.
I feel like a sponge with infinite soaking capabilities. I MUST know what everything is.
From what I hear from my older, wiser toddler buddies (Shout-out Caleb!), this is just a pre-cursor to the ever-dreaded "Why's?" Here is a photo of one of my best inquisitive faces:
From what I understand: You spend your early toddler days finding out WHAT things are and once you've done that you must find out WHY they exist and what their purpose in life is. So, essentially we are budding existentialists, talk about deep! Note to Parents: please be patient with us as we are embarking on our journey into a knowledge comparable to yours! Every repetitive "Was Dat?" and "Why?" is bringing us closer to that college degree and the mental capability to explain similar instances to you when you are old and gray and years of raising angelic children have taken their toll on your brains. :)
But I digress....
Now onto a simpler subject, my favorite "Was Dat?" discovery of the past week: CHEEEEEEESE!!!!!!!!!!
This is a yellowy-orange or white substance, sometimes solid and sometimes in shreds that Mom pulls out and sprinkles atop my less desirable meals in order to entice me to eat more. Let me tell you, she is a magician because this works and everything tastes better with this stuff on it. It even tastes good in a block or pile of its own. While its been a staple of my consumption for quite some time I hadn't been able to pronounce that "Ch" sound until this week. Its so nice to put a name to an object and finally have the ability to command the 'rents to serve up "Mo Cheeeee". Note that this is usually a half-signed (more), half-spoken command (Cheeeee) given with all of the exuberance and zeal I'm able to muster...for this deliciousness is worthy of my hardest efforts and I WILL resort to waterworks and tantrums if my commands go unmet.
In other developments:
*I have a newfound love for other animals other than Shiner dog, altough I think he will always be my number one. I can mooooo like a cow and hug on the kiddy cots and talk about the birds in the sky. It would be so nice to find a local petting zoo or someone with animals that I could come visit. If you have any ideas (besides Fossil Rim) please tell my Mommy so we can plan an excursion! Maybe it could be a group thing.
*Though he's not technically an animal, I have a new betta fish named "Bobby." "Why Bobby?" you ask. Thats because I've taken to calling books "Bobbies," I'm not really sure why it is that I call them this, but it works for me. I make sure to sign "book," to assure Mom and Dad that I'm not referring to an imaginary friend named Bobby.
*I've discovered a new pathway to go "owside" where Shiner goes potty and there are sometimes dead rodents and/or rodent parts from the cats. This is great! Talk about freedom! It seems to be stressing Mom out though. There's talk around the household that Shiner may have to be let owside manually and this portal may be closed soon.
* I'm now able to show Mom where my legs are. She must have trouble locating body parts because she is constantly inquiring about the location of my facial features...and her own. Sometimes I worry that she is unable to find these things without my assistance. Shouldn't mothers go through some sort of training or have qualifications for this stuff? She seems fairly intelligent but I question her credibility when she has to ask her 1-year old to point out her own nose. This is a photo of my feet, which are attached to my legs, which I like to put in this hook when I'm in my highchair.